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  • Snakehead have moved into regions of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York. They are not native to these regions and populations have been rapidly increasing and spreading throughout the Mid Atlantic and portions of the North East.

  • They prefer areas that have plenty of vegetation, such as lily pads and grasses, as well as areas with soft, muddy bottoms. They also prefer areas where there is plenty of cover, such as logs, rocks, and aquatic plants. Snakehead are also known to congregate around structures such as bridges and docks.

  • Connecticut: NA

  • Massachusetts: NA

  • Maine: NA

  • New Hampshire: NA

  • New Jersey: Deleware River and tributaries, Mullica River.

  • New York: Hudson River, Mohawk River

  • Pennsylvania: Deleware River, Susquehanna

  • Rhode Island: NA

  • Vermont: NA


  • Snakehead thrive in areas with abundant vegetation, submerged structure, and slow-moving water.

  • They are often found in backwater areas, marshes, and shallow flats, where they ambush prey and seek refuge from predators.

  • Look for snakehead near submerged logs, vegetation mats, and undercut banks, where they can conceal themselves and wait for passing prey.

  • Pay attention to water temperature, clarity, and oxygen levels, as these factors influence snakehead behavior.



  • Snakehead fish are most active in the warmer months, typically from April to October.

  • As the weather warms up in the spring, the snakehead will move back into shallower waters to spawn


  • In the summer, snakehead will move into deeper waters, where it is cooler, to escape the heat. 


  • Snakehead will move into shallow waters to feed on smaller fish and insects


  • In the winter, the fish will move into deeper waters where the temperatures are more stable


  • Live bait, such as minnows, worms, and frogs.

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