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Brook Trout



  • Brook Trout can be found in the Mid Atlantic region in rivers, streams, and creeks. with clear, cold water. They are often found in headwaters, tributaries, and smaller streams. They are also found in some small to medium-sized lakes and ponds.

  • Maryland: Savage River, North Branch Potomac River, Youghiogheny River.

  • Virginia: Shenandoah National Park streams, Rapidan River, North Fork of the Holston River, South River.

  • West Virginia: Seneca Creek, Cranberry River, Elk River, North Fork South Branch Potomac River.

    Delaware: White Clay Creek, Brandywine Creek.

  • North Carolina: Great Smoky Mountains National Park streams, Linville River, Wilson Creek, Davidson River.

  • South Carolina: Chattooga River, Eastatoe Creek.


  • Brook Trout prefer cold, clear water with a moderate to fast current. They are often found in areas with rocky bottoms, cobblestone, and gravel. They also tend to inhabit areas with cover such as logs, boulders, and undercut banks.

  • Look for brook trout in areas where the water current is moderate to swift, as they prefer riffles, runs, and plunge pools. These areas provide them with ample oxygen and access to food sources like insects, small fish, and crustaceans.

  • When targeting brook trout, it is essential to approach fishing spots with care, as they are often found in smaller, more sensitive ecosystems



  • Brook Trout can be found in the headwaters of rivers and streams as they migrate to spawn. The water is typically cold and clear, and the fish are often found in the shallows.


  • Brook Trout can be found in the deeper pools and runs of rivers and streams. They tend to seek out areas with cooler water temperatures, such as those found near springs, seeps, and shaded areas.


  • will be searching for food similar to spring patterns preparing for the cooler winter.

  • Brook Trout can be found in the tailwaters of rivers and streams as they migrate back to their wintering grounds. The water is typically cool and clear, and the fish are often found in the deeper pools.


  • Winter-Trout will be deeper and slower moving. feeding less agressivly. However there are typically fewer fisherman and less pressured fish.


  • Worms, Insects, Flies.

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